Monthly Archives: May 2015

Deconstructing Invisible Web of Con-scious-ness, Much Ado About Etheric Cord Cutting=Eradication of Fear, An Authentic Path to Freedom Awaits Your Eternal Nothingness!

As many of you know there is so much more life then what  consists in this physical material reality,  there is so much more to this system of consciousness that eludes each of us; and even though we may not be able to  “see” consciousness in it’s totality , we are connected to it and one another on an etheric energetic and emotional level as we experience this physical dimension  through our five sense personality ego consciousness and our physical biological vehicles.

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In fact each time we interact with each other we make an exchange on the more subtle etheric level of our being that we do not see with our physical eyes and yet even after we physically separate from another person, energetic and emotional ties remain these are what I call energetic cords. And please know  that energetic cords are not restricted by time or space, which means you can be connected to someone far away, even a person from your past, or someone who is no longer living so keep this in mind as you read along.

Now an emotional or energetic cord is an structure of energy between 2 people which causes patterns from the past to constantly be relived. These cords are often refereed to as cords of attachment because they are an open channel between you and another person which energy and emotions flow without your conscious knowledge. You are literally “attached” to each other on a subtle etheric level.

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What we must come to realize is that it is not necessary to have emotional cords in every relationship, and  it is important to differentiate between the beneficial cords that are in positive alignment with our true self, and the destructive cords, you know the ones that keep you in a negative alignment with your ego consciousness and the ego consciousness of others which creates a parasitic feeding frenzy which causes you to take on others negative emotional thought process, even when you may think these negative thoughts are your own.

You see everyday we  are exchanging energy with friends, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. Therefore throughout our day  as we experience the numerous  interactions there are bound to be instances where we may feel hurt, misunderstood, betrayed, judged, or insulted, and for the most part we are not aware of how much energy we spend on these experiences which may ignite emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment. If we do not resolve and forgive these moments, we continually leak energy to these incidents and keep negative patterns alive this is why we can often feel drained and tired, frustrated or angry by the end of the day.

We are not generally conscious of these negative cords, as negative patterns in relationships tend to repeat themselves constantly. A good way to tell if you are still energetically and emotionally tied to a person or situation is to think of the person involved and if an emotion arises, it shows that some of your energy is still invested there.

If you find yourself loosing energy or feel depleted after you have visited with someone then you are leaking energy to this person and there exists a cord of attachment  between the two of you that needs to be cut. Therefore it is important  to be aware of your energy levels after interacting with another person. If you feel drained for a few hours after spending time with someone, it shows that your energy has “leaked” outward. Also, it is important to pay attention to any changes in your moods. Do you always feel angry around a particular person and you do not know why? All these are indicative of an unhealthy cord connection.


Cords are formed on a subconscious level, usually through ones need for dominance power, control, or in order to manipulate others through fear. Cutting these energetic cords is a helpful thing to do to clear past experiences, beliefs, resentments, and judgments, traumas, and bad memories. Cutting ties allows us to remove old patterns and stop reliving dramas and traumas of the past with other people.

It is important to note that cord cutting does not sever the relationship,(unless that is the intent) rather, it puts the relationship back on a healthy path. By cutting out old, negative energies, will allow space for you to experience more of who you authentically are,  allowing you to align with your essence in order to connect with new more harmonious energies and relationships to enter your life.  Therefore one who cuts negative energetic cords with people, will feel a sense of being free or of having a heavy burden removed. Effects may be felt physically energetically, or emotionally, etheric cord cutting is truly a path to sovereignty and freedom from the con-scious-ness program.

However most of humanity  is so unaware of the etheric body and the energy structures that lie at the basis of the physical world. You see the power control force have programmed most of humanity to be unaware of the fact that we exchange energy all the time with our environment, and especially with other people.

You see there is an invisible web of consciousness that we swim within and we each have etheric energy cords that we have with the people around us, and especially those who are close to us and unfortunately we use these etheric cords consciously or unconsciously  to manipulate our friends, our colleagues, or ‘loved’ ones; and many people unbekownst to them allow themselves to be taken advantaged of.


Therefore it is paramount that we all exercise self-responsibility in our thinking, our emotions, our actions, but also in our energy. We are always voluntarily giving energy to others in order to help them whether we realize it or not, but when we give too much of our energy away it only depletes our own energy reserves, and this is how many become ill and sick.

Health problems will also result when we are not consciously giving, but somebody is constantly draining our energy simply because they know how, you see when  people are unaware of their etheric body, they leave themselves wide open for energy predators. Do you leave your house wide open for thieves to come by? Your etheric body creates your physical body, therefore you don’t leave it open for other people to steal your energy, or manipulate you through the energy cords. So what do you do about it?

When you close your eheric energy body, you are really closing it in the literal sense. Our energy systems are open ended systems that constantly connect with all other energy systems in our environment. While some would say that if you would literally close off your energy stem, you would die, I believe that when we close off our energy we literally experience the true totally of who and what we are as nothing which is beyond any concepts of energy.

Therefore what needs to be done, is you must create a filter that allows only the good, beneficial energies to enter, and block out all unwanted, harmful energies, and you do accomplish this first through your intention. Your intention has to be very clear and precise, with vigilance and determination.  A ‘maybe it might work’ is not good enough. You have to be clear, direct, strong, determined, a hundred percent warrior about your intention. You have to know clearly what you want and what you don’t want. And don’t allow for any security breaches in you etheric body. Most important you have to maintain your filters, every day, until it has become part of your attitude.

Remember that etheric cord cutting  simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear” and as I know in truth we are on the precipice of eradicating fear and we accomplish this through etheric cord cutting!

If there is anyway I can help you please feel free to contact me, I offer sessions in person and at a distance healing sessions through skype or phone sessions.

Check out my website at Bigfish Strategies Inc.

Deconstructing Subconscious Mind, Ego Death Relinquishes Predator or Prey Dynamic Fueling Your Perception of Your Programmed Reality

A side effect of a being able to sustain a high vibration is that you actually begin to move out of molecular harmony with your body. I know, that sounds weird. But I’ve seen this with people who spend so much time in the ether, that they actually vibrate at a higher frequency than their body can contain. Therefore it is important to note that as you advance in frequency or vibration it can temporarily cause headaches, fatigue, significant weight gain or weight loss, and sometimes confusion and mental impairment.


That being said living within an all encompassing envelope of high vibrational frequency, will allow you to be more in tune with your higher self, allowing you to connect with other human beings on a really soulful level, it can be a wonderful way to go through life living at a higher vibration, than what they are use to, however it is important to be aware of the potential down sides so you can mitigate those with good habits.

It is of the most important when raising your vibration to develop discipline, inner power, and perception, as you increase your vibration you will be in greater control of your world and the reality you are creating as you transcend the collective human evolutionary path of ego, emotion, and mind, which is often ruled by restriction dominated by fear, pain and suffering. The key is to disengage from physical reality through non judgement perceive without comment as your divinity is linked to purity.

Now the subconscious mind shapes your reality it is the container – black box in which the dream and the dreamer emerges. The subconscious mind is the programmer of the world you create within this sea of consciousness. That is the quality and state of tricking and deceiving of someone through knowledge through information or data. As the subconscious mind is the programmer of your world of witchcraft, Pacman you play archetypal characters based on your archetypal make up based on your astrology blueprint and you scan your environment for other players in your reality. Now you attract people or characters in your reality construct based on your script or narrative which is defined by you as the stories you tell yourself which is based on the his story that you have bought into which consists of all the negative beliefs you hold about yourself others and the world in which you have been born into.

Now these stories that you tell about yourself consist of negative memories from passed traumas which become hard wired into beliefs about yourself which makes up your identity and shapes the personality of who you think you are. But it’s not you this personality these characters that you play in your world of witchcraft, they are phantom characters all designed to delude your essence as nothing that everything you are experiencing in this concept called life is the real thing but it’s not it’s all fakery and trickery designed to keep you enamoured, seduced and addicted to consciousness, addicted to information addicted to the stories that proliferate the physical world program and this is done by having you believe that the mind the thought and the thought process are yours which they are not the thought, thought process and the mind have nothing to do with the truth of who you are as no thing.

Therefore when those memories that come from your traumas from when you where little or as far back as inception or birth for some of you, when these negative memories turn into beliefs they get hardwired and mold and shape your personality and when you become fearful certain memories become activated causing the incessant mind chatter the ego self becomes highly vigilant forcing you to scan your environment for threats or players, other characters in your dream the world you are creating to participate your world of witchcraft multi-player game. These others characters who become a part of the reality you are creating are drawn in based on your frequency or emotional quotient you carry remember it’s all about frequency or current which is based on our emotional state, it is the emotional glue or frequency that you carry that creates the attraction repulsion feeding dynamic within your the world you are creating therefore you are either predator or prey. This emotional feeding dynamic must take place otherwise your dream cannot maintain it’s hold on you or the other characters in your dream and so what happens is the characters start to fall away until your the last one standing that is when the dream dissolves completely.

Therefore when you let go of ego consciousness which is made up of the emotional content, the memmories that get hard wired into beliefs that you tell about yourself others and the world in which you been brought into based on his story. Ego conscious is the mother the director of the subconscious mind the ego consciousness is the fuel for the black box which is the container for your reality contrast you are creating each and every moment of this thing you call life. There if the multi players character’s in your current dream no longer identify with your dream or you no longer serve there that you are not willing to play in their dream that is you no longer allow your fuel or energy your current to be siphon off by them the will or you will terminate your contract and seek other characters willing to play out the reality you are creating based on your his story. Or put another way if a multi-player character in your games no longer identifies with your world the reality you are creating they will leave or if the characters no longer are willing to play within your defined fame the reality that you are constructing then they will be discard by you intentionally or unintentionally.

You are the Christ it metaphorically your goal if there ever was a goal of such paramount importance in this now moment the one goal that will set you free is to not feed into ego consciousness not to give it your undivided attention that is allowing ego consciousness this phantom self to feed off your energetically you must no longer be a fuel source you know that incessant charter in the mind to fuel the scripts and narratives that fuel this system of consciousness and those characters you engage with in your multi-player game you are creating each and every moment you are simply to bare witness to the ego self.

Take note of the incessant chatter in your mind right now – where are you? are you reading and multi-tasking because if you multi-tasking while you are reading, your ego is wanting to distract you from this sharing and for those of you who have are reading this article with no other focus then you are in this moment connected to your self as nothing if you can read this article in it’s completion and still be present in this moment then you are connecting with your highest self, so take notice are in your mind thinking about something or are you multi-tasking be mindful take notice, when your in that mind chatter the ego has control, when you are relaxed and in a state of peace and ease, and you can leave the contents of your mind and be in your happy place allowing you to attune to your essence as nothing and just take notice of where you are in this moment.

When Jesus you know the Christ character spoke his prophetic messages many said he spoke of heresy, but rather he spoke truth, remember Christ is simply a metaphor for your essence this is not a real person per se, the character Jesus did not fear his persecution he did not feed the public condemnation of him, and when he was crucified he had the capacity to bare witness to the atrocities bestowed upon him, he was immovable unshakable just as you must become, but remember Jesus the Christ is simply a metaphor for your essence as no thing a metaphor for what you must become that is the immovable force.

Therefore as you continue to mold and shape your world you must learn not to leak or give your fuel source that is your current, your energy to anyone. You are to harvest and harness your energy, as no one is to siphon your energy your current, and we all must stop doing this to one another, because anyone you may be getting your energy from is a reflection of areas where you are still dependent on this system of consciousness to feed you, and as long as you remain captive in this system of con-scious-ness you will continue to remain elusive as to that which we are as nothing exists within an ever abundant flowing source of current, the supply is always accessible abundant not wanting not needing from anyone or anything.

Contemplation and Consequences of the Ego Death

Now this system of consciousness will always look to the external reflective to get it’s fuel rather than within itself because this is how the universal architects constructed this system of consciousness. This system of consciousness was only designed to siphon off energy from the those within the system as it is built on a fabrication a lie, this physical world construct call your life. This system of consciousness is not capable of getting it’s own fuel to generate itself it was not designed to know how to do such a thing, because it is made up inorganic . This system of consciousness is only designed to take from others through the mind the thought and the thought process. When you stop engaging in the mind, and the brain which is designed to wear you down and depletes your fuel source which is your essence as no thing this depletion of energy is what causes you to age, you see you have to stop leaking energy your fuel source to this system, to those around you when you engage the mind trying to figure things out.

Those that have completely transcended 3d no longer have use for the feeding mechanism within the sea of negativity most of humanity are swimming in which perpetuates this feeding dynamic as they are able to contain their current or energy and perpetually fuel themselves no longer needing fuel source from this system of consciousness therefore there is no need to engage this system for fuel or continue to be an energetic fuel source for the system consciousness this programmed consciousness that lives off our essence as no thing. Remember you are a fuel source for the system if you no longer give your fuel to the system what do you think happens the system dies.

Now it is important to note that many are not able to read or listen to my videos because they are still immersed in ego consciousness, that being said the ego it’s what allows them to know and experience life. When one suggests that they rid themselves of the ego, it signals the human to see this as a threat to its life when one contemplates riding oneself of the ego, or transcending the ego for that matter, the human unconsciously sees you as suggesting they starve themselves of their life force, because the ego can only experience itself through neglect, fear, pain and suffering. If you eliminate or annihilate the ego you suppress the fuel source required to keep the individual ego consciousness alive, the ego death ensues, and if everyone where to engage this process then where would humanity get it’s fuel it would either have to come to know self or experience a collective emotional cataclysm and psychosis in this world of witchcraft.